California Eviction Moratorium

We ask that you please keep an open communication with Premium Properties when it comes to rent payments. We are here to help and provide any assistance if you have been financially affected by COVID-19. A message from the State:

“California issued a statewide moratorium on residential evictions for renters who cannot pay their rent because of COVID-19 related economic hardships. The moratorium went into effect on March 27 and is valid through May 31, 2020.​

If COVID-19 has impacted your ability to pay all or part of your rent, you should:

  • Explain your financial situation to your landlord and relay how much you are able to pay 
  • Save all financial documents 
  • Pay as much of your rent as you can

If your landlord is attempting to evict you for not paying rent and you took all of the above steps, contact a local legal aid provider.”


How to File Unemployment, Disability Claim, and Paid Family Leave due to COVID-19 – ONLINE ONLY

For a faster and more convenient access to these services the Employment Development Department (EDD) encourages the use of online options. Here is some information on how you can get your claims STARTED TODAY. 

Step 1 : You want to register for the Benefits Program Online Account to file any claim. 

Here is a video to do so created by CaliforniaEDD

Step 2 : Below you will see each claim and the different processes you need for each. 

UI (Unemployment Insurance)

If you have lost your job or have had your hours reduced for reasons related to COVID-19 you can apply for Unemployment Insurance. Please obtain this information first. 

Paid Family Leave

If you’re unable to work because you are caring for an ill or quarantined family member with COVID-19 (certified by a medical professional)

Disability (SDI Online) 

If you’re unable to work due to medical quarantine or illness related to COVID-19 (certified by a medical professional)

Step 3 : The EDD will contact you will contact you with the status of your claim. Please keep checking into your account for any updates as well.